Offer your customers a good customer experience

Mobile Friendly

Offer your customers a good customer experience

Even if your business does not currently have an Android or iOS app you can still offer your customers a great mobile checkout experience using web-based payment integration.
Responsive layout Offer an optimised experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile with a payments page that adapts to the size of the screen.

Mobile phones were previously limited to just the initial stages of the shopping journey — browsing and discovery. However, more and more customers are covering all stages of the buying journey through mobile devices.

Hence, the key focus lies in offering a frictionless mobile checkout experience to help close the sale. One of the most important aspects of that is the mobile payments page. The more user-friendly the mobile payments page, the more likely it will be for sales to close.
The good news? Mobile payments are growing in popularity. In fact, the market value of mobile payments is anticipated to reach $12.6 trillion by 2027.